Aitaré da Praia (1925). Gentil Roiz, Ary Severo

filme mudo brasileiro


intertítulo filme mudo brasileiro

intertítulo filme mudo brasileiro

intertítulo filme mudo brasileiro

intertítulo filme mudo brasileiro

intertítulo filme mudo brasileiro

intertítulo filme mudo brasileiro

A little white boat... A hoat.
And around the hoat... coconut trees...
The sea ahead... Sovereign life
Of being poor and fisherman...
Living happy with your love
And no more.
[Adelmar Tavares]

Who comments a lot likes little or nothing.

I entered the sea
I went to catch two sharks.
I failed one, caught the other.
Brave fish I've seen.

I entered the sea
I went to fight with sea spray.
When I went it came back
When I came back it went.

Sails fleeing out to sea
Sails... dots... After, after, empty
The blue curve of the sea, when, sonorous,
Sings the wind the sad psalmody.
[Medeiros e Albuquerque]

After the storm, comes the calm.

You, who suffer because you love, love still more. To die of love is to live by it. [Victor Hugo]
