Shadows (1922). Tom Forman

Lon Chaney silent movie poster

Lon Chaney silent movie lobby card

intertitle God

intertitle wisdom


monkeys see hear speak eyes ears mouth

cat wisdom intertitle

intertitle cat mouse

intertitle forgive confession

To every people, in every age, there comes a measure of God to man – through man.

Even today, Wisdom may dwell among us, in humble guise, unknown, despised, until, its mission fulfilled, it slips back into the mystery from whence it came.

He who winds the yearn
And find his mate
Must grab her quick
And kiss her straight.

See no evil. Hear no evil. Speak no evil.

Perhaps the cat, with its ancient wisdom, sensed the nearness of the End.

Cat say – Mousie stay with nicee cat – likee see mousie jump!

He has confessed – he must be forgiven.
