Peter Pan (1924). Herbert Brenon

peter pan betty bronson

peter pan betty bronson

peter pan betty bronson

silent movies intertitles

silent movies intertitles

silent movies intertitles

silent movies intertitles

A Note On the Acting of a Fairy Play
The difference between a fairy play and a realistic one is that in the former all the characters are really children with a child's outlook on life. This applies to the so-called adults of the story as well as the young people. Pull the beard off the fairy king, and you would find the face of a child.
This, then, is the spirit of the play. And it is necessary that all of you – no matter what age you may have individually attained – should be children. Peter Pan will laughingly blow the fairy dust in your eyes and presto! You'll all be back in the nursery, and once more you'll believe in fairies, and the play moves on. [J. M. Barrie]

– And, though the children stayed away for many moons, the 
beautiful mother always left the window open for them to fly back.
– I do like a mother's love, don't you?
