Wings (1927). William A. Wellman, Harry d'Abbadie d'Arrast

silent movie oscar

silent movie oscar

Oscar silent movie

silent movies intertitles title cards

silent movies intertitles title cards

silent movies intertitles title cards

silent movies intertitles title cards

silent movies intertitles title cards

silent movies intertitles title cards

silent movies intertitles title cards

So Youth laughed and wept and lived its heedless hour, while over the world hung a cloud which spread and spread until its shadow fell in some degree on every living person.

Luck or no luck, when your time comes, you're going to get it!

A decoration meant leave – and leave, with nerves strained to the breaking point by week on week of unceasing warfare in the skies, meant only one thing – Paris.

Paris in war-time... the capital of the world's gayety crowded with soldiers of all races – on furlough from Death... trying to forget...

If you would catch the fly, do you set the vinegar? No, ma chérie! But the sugar, yes!

Life marched at double-quick in those feverish days of '17. Drums beat... bugles called... everywhere feet were hurrying, lips were pressed to lips in parting...
