Wine of Youth (1924). King Vidor

silent movies king vidor

silent movies king vidor

silent movies king vidor

silent movies intertitles title cards

silent movies intertitles title cards

silent movies intertitles title cards

silent movies intertitles title cards

silent movies intertitles title cards

silent movies intertitles title cards

silent movies intertitles title cards

silent movies intertitles title cards

When our grandmothers were young, nice girls pretended to know nothing at all.

When our mothers were young, they admitted they knew a thing or two.

The girls of today pretend to know all there is to know.

Parents say terrible things about jazz, but in 1870 they were just as shocked by the pernicious polka.

From that polka-romance a daughter was born, and she in her turn shocked her mother by loving the wicked waltz of 1897.

And the daughter of that waltz-wedding wants to think for herself, marry – or not marry – for herself.

Let's go out and listen to the moonlight.

If nobody ever did anything that hadn't been done before – we'd be a sweet set of dubs.
